Sunday, July 11, 2021

Secular song's and non Christian song's

I have always heard Christian friends talking about listen and play non Christian songs in clubs or just listen to non Christian music, but I don’t mean only to answers this question but rather to raise some questions in order to know that. And there is some questions that comes up to my mind, let’s check! 1- What does authenticate or validate a song to be known that it is a Christian song or not? 2- Why only music is pointed as devilish? What about the movies, soap operas, soccer, football, baseball and the list go on? 3- If what does authenticate a song to be called secular is not been explicit about God or not talking about God , there is a lot of “Christian” songs that is not explicit about God, so it is not to be considered as a Christian! 4- If what does authenticate a song to be called Christian is the motivation of the author, what to say about those songs that we have in the Baptist churches and assemblies of God that in the great majority used on old west saloon’s back in the days? Also nobody can deny that God still speaks so much through those songs and there are a lot of people that has been comforted, encouraged and inspired and has had answers from God by these songs. 5- If the ingredient that validates is the motivation, what to say about the motivation that some said Christians that had made with their music that guaranteed by the “ poetical License” to preach heresies, deturpate and modifying (increasing or diminishing) the word of God, lyrics like “God’s best is yet to come” among others ?. 6- If the motivation is what validates why is that the American singer Michael W. Smith started singing “ Let it rain” and every singer in south America started to compose songs about rain etc Have they received the same anointing or it was only marketing for the great influence from a first world singer to sell millions of copies? Nowadays the anointing does not come from heaven anymore, but from US, Australia, Ireland and so on. In my humble opinion to finish this question, I sure that what define what to listen or play, been a professional musician or not, it’s what your priorities are: 1- Who are you? 2- Who is God in your life? Cause if you’re a bad character any profession will serve to dishonor God. Unfortunately the great majority of musicians that has gone from churches to clubs they had no idea about their identity as a Christian nor knew who God were in their lives. As the Apostle Paul wrote: “Be in peace for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,” “nor the non Christian songs either” shall separate us form the love of God*" *added by me Pr. Carlos Rizzon WWW.IGREJAURBANA.COM 
Ps. I have no intention in instigate nobody to listen non Christian songs nor play in clubs. If you’re serving God in a place that does not approve this, stay in obedience and don’t do it!


Cintia Abrantes said...

Nada, naaada poderá nos separar, naada...
Obrigada pelo texto.

Beijo amigo!


ceramic art said...

hello there !Exelente assunto vc comentou ! vou traduzi-lo e debater com algumas pessoas rsrsr vc me permite :qndo vc diz que neste dias a unçao vem de outros lugares que nao o ceu concordo com vc ,mas podemos ter algum referencial de alguem que ,digamos , esta num outro nivel , certo ?! Dai e so dizer eis-me aki , usa-me !! grande abraço .. Oseias

A Coisa Principal said...

Oseias eu tenho este artigo em portugues no site, fique a vontade para usa-lo no debate e temos outros artigos interessantes por lá. fique na paz.
Pr. Carlos Rizzon